Your Questions, Our Answers

  • Is Recovery Mate tape safe to use?

    Absolutely! Recovery Mate tape promotes natural nose breathing, which is healthier for your body. Your safety and well-being are our top priorities – let's reclaim quality sleep together with Recovery Mate

  • What if I have a stuffy nose?

    Recovery Mate tape is your ally even with a stuffy nose. Breathing through your mouth can worsen nasal congestion. We recommend avoiding the tape if you have a cold or sinus infection.

  • Can Recovery Mate tape be used with a CPAP machine?

    Absolutely! Recovery Mate tape is compatible with CPAP machines. Simply apply the tape over your mouth while ensuring your CPAP mask is properly secured.

  • Will Recovery Mate's tape work effectively with beards?

    Absolutely! We understand the struggle. Unlike many other tapes, Recovery Mate is expertly designed to handle scruff and beards. Our tape boasts a firm hold that stays in place. While it may exert a slight pull on longer beards, using beard balm can significantly reduce any discomfort.

  • Can Recovery Mate tape be used beyond sleep?

    Certainly! Recovery Mate tape supports optimal breathing during sleep, exercise, and breath work routines.

  • Can I reuse Recovery Mate tape?

    Recovery Mate tape is designed for single-use, maintaining peak performance and hygiene when replaced each night.